Establishment Year 1998-99 Special Level-2006-07
Intake  -2021-22 F.Y.B.A :- 81   S.Y.BA :-30    T.Y.BA :- 66 FYB.COM/B.SC.(Democracy, Election, Gov.)
Duration of Course (Years) 03 Years-(Choice Based Credit System) Semester Pattern-(2019-20 to 2021-22)
Vision :-


  “To inculcate moral values, ethics & character in students to generate studied and honest political leadership in society”.
Mission 1) To create social & political awareness among students.

2) To Cultivate Sense  National Integration & Development of mind of students.

Best Practices of Department 1.Voter Nomination Abhiyan for Student
Consultancies of  the Department a) Legal  Awareness   Workshop

Faculty information:

Faculty Name Qualification
Prof.B. S. Mahale M.A.D.Ed, ,NET


Departmental Activates:

Name of the staff National International Total
Shri .B.S.Mahale 01 0  


  01 0
Research a)No. of Teacher with M.Phil.–00
b)No. of  Teacher Registered  Ph.D.–00
Innovative Practices :- a) Student Seminar
b) Wall Papers
c) Arrange Student Council Program
Best Practices Extra Curricular Activities a)       Voter Nomination Abhiyan, for Student
a)       Legal Awareness   Workshop
b)       Group Discussion
Co-Curricular Activates a)       Organized Human Right Day
b)       Local Self Government Visit
c)       26 Nov.Constitutional Day
d)      25 Jan. Voter Day
Extra-Curricular Activates a)       Anti-Tobacco Rally
b)       Motivate Students for Sports & N.S.S.
      c) Mentoring
Social outreach Activities


a) Circulated leaflets  on Duties of Gramsabha by students
b)  Voter Enrolment for Graduate Constituency
c)Arrange S.P.P.U. Graduate Voter Nomination Programme
Future plans of the department 1) To organize of Right to Information Act Workshop.
2) To establish Associations of member of Local Self Government.
3) To organize National /International Level Seminar


-:Co-Curricular /Extra-Curricular Activities: