Event Name
/ Activity
Date  Resource Person No. of participants Description
1.Geography Day 14th Jan. of  Every Year Prof. Sharad Dhat Address  the student with PPT and Audio  visual Presentation. 50+ The dept. of Geography organize programme on Gography Day on 14th Jan. of every year.
2. Ozone Day 16th of September of Every year Prof. Sharad Dhat Address  the student with PPT and Audio  visual Presentation 60 + Students The dept. of Geography organize programme on Ozone Day on 16th September of every year.
Study Tour
Department Organize departmental Short or Long study tour at different Geographical  Location of India During Dec to Feb month of every Year Prof. Deore S.H. and Prof. Sharad Dhat workout the tour programme Around 20 Student of Special Geography Subject Department organize educational study tour  at different geographical places. Department visited places like Konkan, Goa. Nighoz, Ralegansiddhi, Yelora Caves, Ajantha Caves, Lonar lake and many other in last some year.